Vegetable Ghee
Vegetable Ghee
Vegetable ghee is mostly vegetable fat in composition with a melting point of 34-40°C
-is widely used in the Indian and Middle East.
-has a homogeneous consistency with no phase seperation
Vegetable ghee is marketed under different conditions due
to wide area in its use
Vegetable Shortening
Imitation Ghee
Artificial Butter
-Vegetable ghee is manufactured from combination of various vegetable oils
-Palm Oil (mostly used)
-Palm Kernel Oil
-Sesame Oil
-Sunflower Oil
-Cottonseed Oil
-Soya bean Oil
-Watermelon sead Oil
-Mango Kernel Oil
-Palm oil is also known as palm fruit oil.
-Consumed for more than 5,000 years, its nutritional value, health benefits and value as a natural resource continue to be discovered even today.
-Palm oil is produced from the fruit of the oil palm tree Elaeis guineensis.
-Palm oil is sometimes confused with palm kernel oil, but in fact it is quite different compositionally.
-Palm oil comes from the mesocarp (flesh of the fruit) .
Palm oil contains approximately
Palm oil is 50% saturated fat and 50% unsaturated fat.
-44% palmitic acid
-5% stearic acid
-39% oleic acid (monounsaturates)
-10% linoleic acid (polyunsaturates)
– Myristic acid and lauric acid are negligible.
Manufacturing Process
(Modern Method)
Deodorisated oil (200-260°C 1-8mm Hg)
Homogenize, Add flavour-colour (50-60°C )
Crystallization in A unit of a SSHE (17-28°C )
Packing and Shipment
Undesirable odours and
flavours are removed from oil.
takes a place at low pressure(2-3 mbar) and high temperatures(200-260)
Vacuum is used to prevent atmospheric oxidation and formation of free fatty acids through hydrolysis from process.
The oil or mixture is heated to 70 °C in a mixing vessel under contionus stirring to ensure a homogenous melt.
The oil is agitated for about 5-10 minutes, so that all solid oil particles are fully
Incorporating Ingredients
These ingredients are optional. Being fat-soluble , they are dispersed in a small volume of fat blend and then mixed into the main body of fat under continuous stirring.
Crystallization in Vegetable Ghee
Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger (SSHE)
GS Nexus
GS Perfector
GS Kombinator
Technology of Crystallization
The oil in the crystalliser is cooled in a controlled manner by cooling water circulated in the coils.
A temperature between 17 °C -28 °C and 300-700 rpm pump speed are maintained. The mixture crystallizes quickly with an increase in its viscosity.
Cooling the crystallised oil to a lower temperature or prolonging the holding time will produce OLEIN with better cold stability.
Filteration of crystallised palm oil is carried out commonly through membrane filter press.
The crystallised palm oil is pumped at a higher flowrate to the filter press.
The Palm OLEIN is separated & flows out from the filter press while the Palm STEARIN accumulates in the filter chambers to form the filter cake.
Vegetable ghees have a solid state at room temperature as opposed to oils. They therefore require hot filling.
Vegetable ghees are most often packaged in metal cans or plastic trays
The packed product is stored at 25-30°C to allow it time to complete its crystallization.