Et ve Et Teknolojisi
Meat Proteins
Meat composition • Water – ~75% • Protein – ~18% • Lipid – ~3% • Non-protein nitrogen – ~1.6% Muscle cells • Muscle cells are unique in that they allow the conversion of chemical energy in the form of ATP (high energy phosphate bonds) into mechanical energy and, hence, the ability to do work • The basic unit of muscle tissue is the muscle cell (10-100 m x several centimeters long) Food Chemistry 45300 …
Meat, Poultry and Eggs Processing
Describe the production of meat from cattle, pigs and poultry Identify meat products from cattle, pigs and poultry List five factors affecting meat tenderness Describe the cooking of meat Discuss the production of meat substitutes Identify quality grading of meat Describe egg production Identify factors affecting egg quality Discuss egg grading Key Terms To Know Aging Albumen Antemortem Blood spot Bromelin By-products Cold shortening Curing Deboning Electrical stimulation Eviscerated Ficin Integrated Julian date Marinating Mechanically separated Myoglobin Offal Papain Postmortem Processed meats Rigor mortis Smoking Textured protein Vitelline membrane Yield…
•Meat is the muscle of animals It is composed of muscle fibers, connective tissue and fatty tissue •Beef – 15-30 months of age •Veal 3 weeks to 3 months •Lamb <14 months •Mutton >14 months •Pork 7-15 months of age Meat Composition Structure Water Muscle Connective Tissue Adipose -Fatty- Tissue Bone Proportions of Each Varies According to Animal & Anatomy …
Organic Poultry Production ( Ken W. Koelkebeck )
•Growth of Industry •1997-2001 – surge of certified organic poultry production •Certified organic layers 537,826 (1997) to 1.6 mil (2001) •Certified organic broilers 1997-38,285 ® 3.3 mil (2001) •Certified organic turkeys 1997-750 ® 98,000 (2001) •2002 – USDA National Organic Program •National standards dictate how broilers, turkeys, layers and others are to be managed and raised •Standards – poultry not required to have access to pasture, but must be given freedom to: 1) exercise 2) access to fresh air 3) exposure to direct sunlight •Birds can be “housed” if…
Piliç Üretimi
ENTEGRASYON AKIŞ ŞEMASI Damızlık Yumurta Çiftlikleri 1.1 Sözleşmeli 1.2 Şirket Malı DAMIZLIK DAMIZLIK YEMİ YUMURTA 1500-2000Gramlık etlik piliçler 2.0 kg yem=canlı ağırlıkta YEM FABRİKASI 5-6 haftada yetiştirmek mümkündür KULUÇKA HANE ETLİK PİLİÇ GÜNLÜK YEMİ CİVCİV 1.Etlik Piliç Yetiştirilmesi 1.1 Sözleşmeli Yetiştirici 1.2.2Şirket Çiftlikleri CANLI ÜRÜN KESİMHANE FABRİKAYA KABUL ELEKTİRİK ŞOKU İLE SAKİNLEŞTİRME KESİM KANIN AKITILMASI HAŞLAMA TÜYLERİN AYRILMASI YIKAMA- KAFA KOPARMA AYAK VE YAĞ BEZELERİNİN AYRILMASI İÇ ORGAN BOŞALTILMASI VE TEMİZLENMESİ KARKAS YIKAMA SOĞUTMA PARÇALAMA PAKETLEME,SINIFLANDIRMA, TARTIM SEVKİYAT Kritik kontrol noktası(KKN) 1.Tavukların fabrikaya kabulü 2.Haşlama-tüy yolma- karkas yıkama 3.Ayak kesme-posmortem…
BROILER Meat type chicken is known as broiler Consisted of young female chickens Slaughtered when 6 Weight range 1.13 High growth rate Have white feathers and yellowish skins …
Poultry Production
The different classes of poultry are marketed on the bases of age. Age influences tenderness and fat content and so indicates the cooking methods that are appropriate. Signs of youth in poultry are smooth leg skin, supple wing joint, pliable keel or breast bone, and the presence of pin feathers. Young birds have no hairs on the skin and little subcutaneous fat. Poultry, like meats in general, is tough if it is cooked before or while the meat is still in rigor. Poultry goes into and out of rigor more rapidly than other meats.…