Et ve Et Teknolojisi


    Balıkların Soğukta Muhafazası I ( Doç. Dr. Abdullah ÖKSÜZ )

    Balıklar soğukta muhafaza edilseler bile, hızlı bir şekilde bozunabilen gıdalardandır. . Bozunmalar; . Otolitik (İç organ ve etteki enzim faaliyetlerinden dolayı) . Mikrobiyel (deri solunagaç ve iç orgalarda . Dokuların parçalanması ve üründe meydana gelen bozunmalar . Otolitik ve mikrobiyel bozunmanın hızı, balığın depolama sıcaklığına bağlı olarak değişir. . Depolama sıcaklığı arttıkça bozunma oranı da artar. Önlem !!! . Balıklar genel olarak buzlanarak soğutulur, soğutma balıkların yüksek kalite derecesinde taze kalmasını sağlayarak raf ömrünü uzatır. . Balıkların avlama sonrası hemen buzlanması, karaya çıkarılan balığın taze kalmasını, sonuç olarak ürünün fiyatının…


    Balıkların Soğukta Muhafazası II ( Doç. Dr. Abdullah ÖKSÜZ )

    Ülke Su Ürünleri Ekonomisinde Dondurulmuş Su Ürünlerinin Yeri 2 . Su ürünleri ithalatı, 2011 (TUİK,2011) . Toplam – 65 698 417 (kg) 290 826 203 (TL) 173 886 517($) . İhracatımız : 66 737 674 664 333 252 395 306 914 . İthal edilen ürünlerin büyük bir kısmı dondurulmuş su ürünleri ve başında da Norveç Uskumrusu gelir. . İhracatımız daha çok taze soğutulmuş su ürünleridir. . AB ülkelerinde alışkanlık olarak insanlar haftalık alışveriş yapmakta ve daha çok hazır paketlenmiş dondurulmuş ürünleri tercih etmektedirler. . Dondurma teknolojisi ile ürünün raf ömrü…

  • broiler tavuk civciv kanatlı

    Broilers ( An Overview of Broiler Production in Georgia )

    Broilers An Overview of Broiler Production in Georgia Objectives Students will be able to: Describe the life cycle of broilers. Describe the history of the broiler industry. Explain the importance of broiler production in Georgia. Name the top three broiler producing counties. Rank Georgia with other states in broiler production. What is a broiler? Broiler chickens are grown for their meat. These chickens are the ones we purchase at the grocery stores and eat for dinner. History of Broilers Early 1900s, chickens were raised for eggs Women began to sell…


    Canned Meat

    1. Introduction Canning is basicaly a heat processing operation where heat flows from a hot body to a cold body.Among the various methods of extending meat shelf life, canning has the adventage of keeping as much as possible of the original chemical, physical, and sensory characteristics of meat. In addition, canning allows storing and transporting meat, a highly perishable material, in experiments where no other preservation method is succesful. Canning is especially appropriate for meats marketed to tropical conditions, where temperature and humidity are high. The aim of canning is…


    Conversion of Muscle to Meat

    Meat is the common term used to describe the edible portion of animal tissues and any processed or manufactured products prepared from these tissues. Meats are often classified by the type of animal from which they are taken. Red meat refers to the meat taken from mammals; white meat refers to the meat taken from fowl; seafood refers to the meat taken from fish and shellfish; and game refers to meat taken from animals that are not commonly domesticated. In addition, most commonly consumed meats are specifically identified by the live animal from which they come.…

  • meat et smoked tütsülenmeiş

    Cured and Smoked Foods

    Understand the history and purpose of cured and  smoked foods Identify the crucial ingredients for preserving foods Explain the function of salt in osmosis,  dehydration, and fermentation Describe the role of curing salts in preserving foods Discuss seasoning and flavoring options for cured  and smoked foods …


    Dry Fermented Sausages

    Meat fermentation is a biological process that preserves the meat and provides distinct properties such as flavor and tenderness. Traditionally, fermentation relied on the natural microbial load of the meat but, in modern production, a selected microbial culture is added. During the fermentation process, fermentable sugars (dextrose or fructose) that are present in the meat or added by the manufacturer are transformed into an acid, called lactic acid. The formation of lactic acid in the product leads to an increase in acidity. The more acidic the meat product is the…


    Dry Sausage (Sucuk) ( Dr. Hüseyin BOZKURT )

    FERMENTED –DRY SAUSAGE (SUCUK) Dr. HüseyinBOZKURT University of Gaziantep Sausages are usually defined as comminuted seasoned meats, stuffed into casings; they may be smoked, cured, fermented and heated. INGREDIENTS • MEAT: Meats used for sausages must be –fresh, –completed rigor-mortis phase –high quality, –with very low microbial counts, –good color, Composition of Meat • Water 65-80 % • Protein 16-22 % – Myofibrillic protein (9.5 %) • Actin • Myosin – Sarcoplasmic protein (6.0 %) • Myoglobin • Hemoglobin – Stroma proteins (3.0 %) • Collogen, elastine • Fat 1.5-…

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