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    Oil and Fat Technology Lectures 3 ( Dr. Aytaç SAYGIN GÜMÜŞKESEN )

    OIL AND FAT TECHNOLOGY LECTURES III (Crude Oil Production) Prof.Dr.Aytaç SAYGIN GÜMÜŞKESEN Yrd.Doç.Dr.Fahri YEMİŞÇİOĞLU Extraction of Vegetable Oils Basic approaches : Mechanical…


    Oil and Fat Technology Lectures 4 ( Dr. Aytaç SAYGIN GÜMÜŞKESEN )

    Refining of crude oil Crude oils as received from the extraction plant contain several non-triglyceride components which must be removed. Refining consists…


    Oil Bearing Materials, Storage, Pretreatments

    Oil Bearing Materials, Storage, Pretreatments


    Oils and Fats – Analytical Methods

    Oils and Fats Major Component (%95-99) Minor Components (%1-5) Triglyceride Derivatives Free Fatty Acids Mono- and Diglycerides Non-Triglyceride Derivatives Phospholipids Sterols Pigments…



    Gıdalardaki lipitlerin oksidasyonu sadece reaksiyon sonucu oluşan kötü tat ve koku açısından önemli değildir. Son yıllarda yapılan bazı araştırmalar oksidasyon sonucu oluşan…


    Olestra ( F. İpek MARANGOZ )

    F. İpek Marangoz Belgin Rodoplu Neslihan Kaya Jale Albayrak OLESTRA Diyetteki yağ miktarını azaltabilmek için yağ yerine bazı maddeler kullanılmakta Bu maddeler…


    Olive Oil Processing

    There are many factors which directly affect the quality of olive oil ; • Acidification (FFA content of olive oil) Variety, climate…


    Olive Oil Processing

    OLIVE OIL PROCESSING Originating in Asia, the olive is one of the oldest crops known to mankind. It later spread through all…

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