Süt ve Süt Ürünleri

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    Laktozsuz Lor Üretimi

    1.ÖZET 2.GİRİŞ 3. LAKTOZSUZ LOR ÜRETİMİ 3.1. Yapım Aşamaları 3.2. Kütle Denklikleri 3.3.Lor Üretiminde Kullanılan Ekipmanlar 4.KAYNAKLAR 1.ÖZET LOR NEDİR? Lor yumuşak kıvamlı peynir altı suyunun pıhtılaştırılması ile elde edilen bir süt ürünüdür. İtalyan peynirlerinden Ricotto’ya benzer. Kısa ömürlüdür. Tuzlu veya tuzsuz olarak üretilebilir. Çeşitli yemeklerde, kahvaltıda ve tatlılarda kullanılır. LOR YAPIMI Özetle peynir yapımından kalan peynir altı suyu 90 dereceye kadar kazanda ısıtılır. Bu işlem sırasında pıhtı oluşmaya başlar. Daha sonra bu pıhtı bezden torbaların içine konularak süzülür. LAKTOZSUZ LOR YAPIMI Peynir altı suyu kullanılan teknik yöntemlerle laktozundan arındırıldıktan…

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    Manufacturing of Ice Cream

    Ice cream, a flavored frozen food, is made up of milkfat or butterfat, milk solids, sweeteners, stabilizers, emulsifiers and water.The process of ice cream manufacture can be devided into nine steps which are: …

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    Milk ( Dr. Hüseyin BOZKURT )

    Dr. Hüseyin Bozkurt Milk and dairy products have made a major contribution to the diet. Composition of milk Component Whole Milk Skimmed Milk Butter Milk Cream (40% fat) Fat 3.82 0.06 0.50 40.0 Protein (Nx6.38) 3.25 3.35 3.35 2.00 Casein 2.50 2.60 2.60 1.56 Whey Protein 0.60 0.62 0.62 0.37 Lactose 4.80 4.95 4.95 2.90 Minerals 0.70 0.73 0.73 0.44 Water 87.4 91.0 90.5 54.6 Nutrients provided by pasteurized milk Nutrient Quantity in Milk Protein 34.0 g Fat 39.1 g Carbohydrate 49.4 g Calcium 1.2 g Iron 1.1 mg Vitamin…

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    Milk Composition and Structure

    Milk is defined as the secretion of the mammary glands of mammals, its primary natural function being nutrition of the young. Milk of some animals, especially cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep, is also used for human consumption, either as such or in the form of a range of dairy products. In this book, the word milk will be used for the ‘normal’ milk of healthy cows, unless stated otherwise. Occasionally, a comparison will be made with human milk. …

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    Milk for Liquid

    Liquid milk can be delivered to the consumer after various heat treatments: none (raw milk), pasteurized or sterilized, and either packaged or not (although sterilized milk is, of course, always packaged). The properties of liquid milk that require the most attention are safety to the consumer, shelf life, and flavor. Safety is, of course, essential and consumption of raw milk cannot be considered safe. Consequently, the delivery of raw milk is prohibited or severely curtailed in many countries. Likewise, delivering milk that is not packaged may involve health hazards. The relative importance of other quality marks…

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    Milk Processing

    Milk fresh from the cow is virtually a sterile product. All post-milking handling must maintain the milk’s nutritional value and prevent deterioration caused by numerous physical and biological factors. In addition, equipment on the farm must be maintained to government and industry standards. Most cows are milked twice a day, although some farms milk three or four times per day. The milk is immediately cooled from body temperature to below 40°F (5°C), then stored at the farm under refrigeration until picked up by insulated tanker trucks at least every other…

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    Optimizing Butter Making ( Laura Kelley and Mohammad Biswas )

    •Optimizing Butter Making •Laura Kelley and Mohammad Biswas •CHEN 3820 Chemical Engineering Lab 1 •April 24, 2007 •Buttery Facts •Butter is made by the agitation of the cream layer from unhomogenized milk. •Butter has been made for many centuries in the same fashion, but technological advancements have lead to faster ways to make butter. •Our project involves making butter by varying temperature and adding co-solvents. •Background: How to Make Butter •Milk: Basis of Butter –Milk is an emulsion of fat globules within a water based fluid –Milk consists mostly of…

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    Otomatik Temizleme Yöntemi (CIP)

    1. OTOMATİK TEMİZLEME YÖNTEMİ (CIP) 1.1. Tanım Modern süt işletmelerinde; bakteriyolojik açıdan yetersiz ve zaman alıcı olan elle temizlemenin yerine otomatik makinalarla yapılan temizleme yöntemleri tercih edilmelidir. Elle temizlemede olduğu gibi, makine ve ekipmanları parçalara ayırmaya gereksinim duymadan çalkalama suyu ve deterjan çözeltisinin üretim hattında sirkülasyonu ile yapılan “otomatik temizleme yöntemi”, kısaca CIP olarak bilinir. Ayrı bir tanımlama ile otomatik temizleme; kapalı devreleri oluşturan ve birbirine bağlı cihaz ve makinaların içerisinde temizleme sıvısının sirkülasyonu yolu ile yapılan temizleme işlemidir. CIP ifadesi,, bu yöntemin İngilizce’de “Yerinde Temizleme” anlamına gelen “CLEANING IN PLACE” ifadesinin baş harflerinden oluşmuştur. CIP veya C.I.P.…

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