Yaz Stajı
Aytaç Biscuits Summer Practice Report
INFORMATION ABOUT THE ORGANISATION NAME OF THE ORGANISATION : Yimpaş Ak Food Industry and Occupation LOCATION OF THE ORGANISATION : Organized industury zone first street number : 10 Melikgazi /Kayseri SCHEMA OF THE ORGANISATION : TEAM MANAGER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT Production manager FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT ( food engineer ) quality control management ( food eng. ) marketing sales response technical team chief export – inport machinist electrical chief NUMBER OF ENGINEER EMPLOYED : There is one food engineer in factory, and works as a production manager .On the other hand ,…
Aytaç Meyve Suyu Staj Raporu
Raporda AKYUDUM DOĞAL KAYNAK VE MEMBA SULARI İŞLETMESİ ve AYTAÇ MEYVE SUYU İŞLETMESİ kısaca tanıtılıp 20 iş günü süresince yapılan teknik çalışmalar prensipleri ile birlikte anlatılmıştır. Laboratuvar güvenliği ve iş kazalarının önlenmesi için dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar anlatılmıştır. Meyve suyunun insan beslenmesindeki önemi göz önüne alınarak, meyve suyu üretim aşamaları, üretim öncesi ve sonrası yapılan kontroller, muhafaza yöntemleri, meyve suyunun sahip olması gereken özellikler üzerinde durulmuştur. İşletmeye konsantre halinde gelen hammaddenin sahip olması gereken özelliklerden bahsedilmiştir. Sıvı gıdalar için bir devrim niteliği taşıyan Tetra Pak ambalajlar hakkında geniş bilgiler verilmiş olup markanın tarihi gelişimine…
Bamex Summer Practice Report
I had my engineering practise in Bamex Foreign Trade and Food Industry Co. SA. During my engineering practise i learned a lot of informations about canning industry.I saw the processes which applied to the plums to make canning plums. I learned all steps to produce plum canning and i also learned the important pointin this process. I also observed the relationship between employer and employee. I learned how to make first cost analysis of the factory so i have an idea about management and financial subjects. The organisation works all…
Banvit Staj Raporu
İkinci 20 günlük stajımı Banvit’te yaptım. 20 gün boyunca kesimhanedeydim. Staj yaptığım bölümler: 1) Diyet (3 gün) 2) Parçalama (6 gün) 3) Ön işlem (6 gün) 4) Bütün piliç (5 gün) DİYET (3 Gün) Diyet bölümüne parçalama bölümünden kasalar halinde kafesler gelir. Bir kasada 20 adet kafes bulunmaktadır. Kafesler kasalara poşet içinde konulurlar ve içlerinde buz bulunur. Bu kasalar yürüyen makaradan alınır. Kafesler buradan alınarak hareketli çubuklara takılır. Kafesler pilicin kanat, bacak, kuyruk kısmı kesilmiş ve iç organı çıkartılmış ve sırt ve göğüs kısmı kesilmiştir. Kafesler işleme konulmadan önce 6…
Beslen Makarna Summer Practice Report
Beslen Macaroni Food Industries and Trade Inc. was founded at the Organized Industry Region, Gaziantep in 1978 using Swedish and Italian technology and started serving Turkish Economy. Aiming to provide the perfect quality to its customers since it was founded, Beslen Makarna has been producing pasta from 100% Durum wheat within its integrated plants without being touched by hands, and thanks to the demand both in the domestic and foreign markets, it has reached a production capacity of 400 tons/day of processed wheat and 775 tons/day of pasta, thus becoming one of leading and most modern plants…
Beypiliç Summer Practice Report
Middle East Technical University Food Engineering Department FdE 400 Summer Practice Report This factory has established by the association of Beyyem Industry Commerce. Beyyem A.Ş. was built in Ankara-Beypazarı to produce mixed feed in 1979 and it began production in 1981. Beypi A.Ş. has established in 1986 by leading of Beyyem I.C. Beypi A.Ş.. has started poultry meat production in 1987-Agust at a slaughterhouse located in Bolu-Göynük-Dereler village. After that there became an integrated facility. The investments that have began in Beyzarı, continued in Bolu. Now they are able o produce…
Bidaş Summer Practice Report
1. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE ESTABLISHMENT BİDAŞ started business in Bursa, Turkey in 1975 as a coldstore which has served the fresh market but has since expanded its business into IQF fruits and vegetables as well. Its frozen storage capacity is 35.000 m3 with the daily productioncapacity of 100 mt and 20.000 mt per annum. BİDAŞ’s Bursa plant has long years experience in preparing fruits and vegetables to exacting spesifications for well known international frozen fruit and vegetable product manufacturers. Its exports contain 80 % of its turnover and 90 % of its exports are…