Control of Glycolysis and Citric Acid Cycle
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Biyokimya I Ders Notları ( Yrd. Doç. Dr Kudret YILDIRIM )
•BİYOKİMYA I DERS NOTLARI •Enzimler, Enzim Kinetiği, Enzim İnhibisyonu, Düzenleyici Enzimler ve Enzim Aktivitesinin Düzenlenmesi •Enzimler Enzimler canlılardaki reaksiyonları hızlandıran özel proteinlerdir Enzimler…
Biyoaktif Protein ve Peptitler
BÖLÜM 6 Biyoaktif Protein ve Peptitler Diyetimizde yer alan proteinler biyolojik olarak aktif kabul edilen peptitlerin kaynağıdır. Biyolojik olarak aktif olan peptitler,…
BIOL0280 Third Midterm Examination 2014
Indicate which statement is true of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis in both animals and plants: A) δ -aminolevulinate is a tetrapyrrole precursor. B) Carbon…
BIOL0280 Third Midterm Examination 2013
Biological amines are generated by decarboxylation of amino acids . 2. [2 points] The hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine are derived biosynthetically from:…
BIOL0280 Third Midterm Examination 2012
δ-Aminolevulinic acid is formed from succinyl-CoA and __________ and is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of _________. A) acetyl-CoA; long chain fatty acids…
BIOL0280 First Midterm Examination 2014
Given that pK = 2; pK = 9; pK = 11, Draw the ionization states and calculate the pI of 1 2…
BIOL0280 First Midterm Examination 2013
Is the molecule shown D- or L-alanine? D-alanine 2. [2 points] What kind of reaction is peptide bond formation (eg. redox, cleavage,…