Olive Fermentation Presentation
•OLIVE FERMENTATION •The main use of raw olives, is as olive oil— •more than 90% of the total worldwide olive production is…
PICKLING • An important food preservation system combines salting to selectively control microorganisms and fermentation to stabilize the treated food materials. • Pickling is one of…
Pickling Presentation
PICKLING An important food preservation system combines salting to selectively control microorganisms and fermentation to stabilise the treated food materials. the oldest,…
Sofralık Zeytin Fermantasyonu ( MEGEP )
1. SALAMURA HAZIRLAMA 1.1. Salamura Bileşenleri 1.1.1. Tuz 1.1.2. Su 1.2. Salamura Karışımı 1.2.1. İstenen Yoğunlukta Salamura Hazırlama 1.2.2. Farklı Yoğunlukta Salamuranın…
Table Olive Fermentation
Özet Türkiye dünyanın en büyük zeytin üreticilerindendir. Sofralık zeytin fermentasyonu, salamuranın tuz yoğunluğuna, pH’ sına, uygulanan ön işlemlere, mikrofloranın komposizyonuna ve havalandırılma…
Tea Fermentation
TEA FERMENTATION • The Chinese sources claim that the first person who drank was the emperor Shen-Nung who lived around 2700 BC. • tea manufacture is one…
Tea Fermentation Presentation
Tea manufacture is one of the oldest biotechnologies developed and practiced by mankind. Turkey : 160,000 ton black tea production and consumption China…
The Use of Gelatine In Wine Fining
SYNOPSIS The basic chemistry of protein is developed to enable an understanding of its fining reactions in beverage clarification. Results of various European…