Fermentation Lab Sheets > Growth Curve ( FE 411 )
PURPOSE In this experiment, Saccaharomyces cerevisiae will be cultured on chemically defined medium under aerobic conditions and microbial growth will be followed…
Fermentation Lab Sheets > Growth Curve and Bioenergetics
References McCarty, P.L., “Energetics and Bacterial Growth,”presented at the 5th Rudolf Research Conference, Rutgers, the State University, New Brunswick, NJ, July 2 (1969).…
Fermentation Lab Sheets > Kefir Production
PURPOSE: To determine the effect of inoculation rate and fermentation time on the kefir production. MATERIALS: 1. 1 L glass jar with cover…
Fermentation Lab Sheets > Lab Safety Guide
FE 471 FOOD FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY LAB. Lab Safety Guide 1. Safety is a prime consideration. The student is expected to pay attention and…
Fermentation Lab Sheets > Production of Yeast ( FE 411 )
PURPOSE To produce yeast in a stirred batch fermentor, obtain wet and dry yeast. THEORY Producing microorganisms in fermentor is a biotechnological…
Fermentation Lab Sheets > Tempeh
FE 471 FOOD FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY LAB. Tempeh is a fermented food, most popular in Indonesia, made by the controlled fermentation of cooked…
Fermentation Lab Sheets > Top and Bottom Fermentation Beer
MATERIAL AND METHOD: Bottom Fermentation: Bottom Type Yeast (Saccharomyces carlsbergensis) Initial Starting Temperature (4-12 C) for 6-14 days Resting at 0-2 C…