Fermentation Lab Reports > Beer > Beer v1
PURPOSE: In this experıment we examıned the productıon and fermentations of beer . We observed the type of fermentatıon which ıs top or…
Fermentation Lab Reports > Cheese > Cheese v5
Cheese is defined as the fresh or matured product obtained by draining the whey after coagulating casein, the major protein in milk. The…
Fermentation Lab Reports > Cheese > Cheese v4
It is generally quite straight forward to locate the sources of enzymes; the natural sources of enzymes are where nature needs them. It…
Fermentation Lab Reports > Cheese > Cheese v3
The main lactic acid formers are homofermentative lactic acid bacteria such as Streptecoccus thermophilus, Lactococcus lactis, Lactococcus lactis subspp cremoris. Lactic acid vary…
Fermentation Lab Reports Cheese v2
Cheese is defined as the fresh or matured product obtained by draining the whey after coagulating casein, the major protein in milk. The…
Fermentation Lab Reports > Cheese > Cheese v1
Cheese is defined as the fresh or matured product obtained by draining the whey after coagulating casein, the major protein in milk. The…
Fermentation Lab Reports – Cucumber Pickling – Pickling v7
These can be made in a day or two in contrast to those that are fermented or brined and cured,a long-term process.In…
Fermentation Lab Reports > Cucumber Pickling > Pickling v6
In this experiment we studied the cucumber pickling process. Ingredients of cucumber pickles are cucumbers, vinegar, salt, citric acid and water. Each…