
  • bacillus basili

    Laboratory‎ > ‎Bacillus Cereus İzolasyonu

    Deneyin Adı: Bacillus cereus izolasyonu Deneyin Amacı: Maydanoz örneğinde Bacillus cereus aranması Bacillus Cinsi Bakterilerin Genel Özellikleri Bacillaceae familyasına dahil olup, gram(+) [bazı türleri…


    Bacterial Cultivation – Selective / Differential Media

    Lab 13- Bacterial cultivation Selective /differential media Lab activities: Demo selective and differentiation plates Streaking bacteria on differentiation plates Cultivation The process of…


    Laboratory‎ > Counting

    Counting bacterial colonies on agar plates is a simple and effective method for determining the number of viable bacteria in a sample.…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Culture Media & Culture Methods ( Babitha ELIAS )

    CULTURE MEDIA & CULTURE METHODS Babitha Elias Bacteria have to be grown (cultured) for them to be identified. By appropriate procedures they…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Fish

    PURPOSE:  The purpose of this experiment was to investigate microbiological affectivities of fish. THEORY:  International competitiveness requires optimal productivity, quality and value,…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Fruit juice

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this experiment was to investigate microbiological properties of orange fruit juice THEORY: In non-acid, moist foods, yeasts and moulds grow…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Gram Stain

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this experiment was to learn the gram staining method and to observe the characteristics of gram negative and gram positive…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Media and Sterilization

    BACTERIOLOGICAL MEDIA AND STERILIZATION The purpose of this experiment is that to prepare media from nutrient agar for cultivating microorganisms. Bacteria have special requirements to grow. In…

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