Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger ( Ali SÖNMEZ )
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this experiment is to study the working principles of a concentric tube heat exchanger operating under parallel and…
Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger ( Zeynep AYDIN )
In this experiment, our aim is to demostrate the working principles of concentric tube heat exchanger operating under paralel and counter flow…
Cream Separation
Milk is an oil-in-water emulsion, with the fat globules dispersed in a continuous skimmilk phase. If raw milk were left to stand,…
Cream Separation, Churning & Homogenization
Purpose of the experiment: The aims are: • to separate cream from milk and to obtain milk fat by application of churning…
Cream Seperation and Homogenization ( Aysun ER )
CONTENT 1. Title page 2. Abstract 3. Content 4. Introduction 5. Butter production 6. Material and method 7. Procedure 8. Result and…
Cream Seperation and Homogenization ( Volkan ÖZÇELİK )
The main purpose of the experiment was to separate the cream of raw milk by using Disk-Bowl centrifuge. The main principle of…
Design of a Tubular Heat Exchanger ( R. Paul Singh )
In section 4.1, we examined a variety of heat exchange equipment used in the food process industry. There are a number of…
ABSTRACT Filtration is a physically or mechanically separation process in which suspended solid particles in a fluid are removed by using a…