Chapter-1: Introduction
In any industrial plant the aim is to produce standard and high quality products and sell them at prices which make profit.…
Chapter-2: Process Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling
Dynamic Models are also referred as unsteady state models. These models can be used for; Improve understanding of the process Train plant operating…
Chapter-3: Laplace Transform
In the application of Laplace transform variable time is eliminated and a new domain is introduced. In the modeling of dynamic systems differential equations…
Chapter-4: Input – Output Models and Transfer Functions
Transfer Functions Control systems are based on a single output and a few input variables. For this reason solution of model equation for all…
Chapter-5: Control Systems
For the mathematical analysis of control systems its possible to consider the controller as a simple computer. For example, a proportional controller may be…
Chapter-6: Block Diagrams and Linearization
Example: Consider the stirred tank blending process. Control objective: regulate the tank composition x, by adjusting w2. Disturbance variable: inlet composition x1…
Chapter-7: Control System Design
Control objectives (based on management – financial objectives, process knowledge and operational requirements) for the plant. Safety. It is imperative that industrial plants operate safely…
Control Architectures ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
Connecting Controllers & Actuators In control programming we make statements like: Adjust v3 to maintain LC1 at LC1 set We could implement this as the following PID controller:…