

    Laboratory‎ > Growth of Bacteria

    Liquid media such as broth become cloudy if bacteria are present. This could be the result of only one bacterial cell originally entering…


    ‎Laboratory‎ > Stain Protocols

    Stain Protocols – BIOL 2420 Simple Stain Simple stains provide a quick and easy way to determine cell shape, size, and arrangement.…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Sterilization of Media

    When fungal spores or bacteria-laden microscopic particles make contact with your plates, broths, and tubes colonies happily reproduce and your precious media…


    Laboratory‎ -Temperature Lethal Effect and Membrane Filtration Method

    FE-204 exp.3 Temperature Lethal Effect and Membrane Filtration Method Purpose Behelding of the temperature lethal effect to microorganisms and calculation of the…


    Laboratory‎ > The Gram Stain and Simple Stain Smear

    FE204 Microbiology Lab report The Gram stain and simple stain Smear  Purpose        Preparation of smear and application of simple stain to…


    ‎Laboratory‎ – The Techniques of Pure Cultures

    Purpose Recognition of media which used  for cultivaring microorganisms and their preparation and sterilization. Learning of to colony selection techniques with pure…

  • media-microbiology

    Media and Sterilization

    BACTERIOLOGICAL MEDIA AND STERILIZATION The purpose of this experiment is that to prepare media from nutrient agar for cultivating microorganisms. Bacteria have special…



    MİKOTOKSİNLER Mikotoksinlerin oluşturdukları toksisite tablosuna “Mikotoksikoz” denir. “Ergotizm” “ATA” (Alimentary Toxic Aleukia) “Stibotrikoz” “Turkey-X-disease” “Balkan endemik nefropatisi” Günümüzde 300 kadar mikotoksin bulunduğu…

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