HPLC ( High Performance Liquid Chromatography )
THEORY HPLC (HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY) In biochemistry, some of the main aims are to understand and describe the structural basis of…
Laboratory > Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (IR)
Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (IR) IR spectroscopy is the measurement of the wavelength and intensity of the absorption of mid-infrared light by a…
Laboratory > Kinetics of Maillard Reaction
KINETICS OF MAILLARD REACTION THEORY When proteins or amino acids are heated in the presence of carbohydrates, what is called a ‘browning…
Laboratory > Paper Chromatography and Beer’s Law
PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY and BEER’S LAW THEORY PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY Chromatography is a method for analyzing complex mixtures (such as ink) by separating them…
Lambert – Beer Yasası
Numune hücresinde bulunan geçirgen bir numune çözeltisi içinden bir ışın demetinin geçtiğini düşünelim. Işının bir bölümü dosdoğru geçecek ve bir kısmı da…
Paper Chromotography
What is Chromatography? Chromatography is a technique for separating mixtures into their components in order to analyze, identify, purify, and/or quantify the mixture or components. Uses…