

    Organik Kimya Dersi II.Vize Sınavı ( Prof. Dr. Hasan SEÇEN )

    MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ KİMYA MÜHENDİSLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ ORGANİK KİMYA DERSİ 2. VİZE SINAVI Aşağıda açık yapıları verilen bileşiklerin isimlerini yazınız. … Kaynak:


    Organic Chemistry Exam 1

    1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane can exist in either the cis-form or the trans-form. Furthermore, the two chair conformations for both isomers may be at different energies.…


    Organic Chemistry Exam 2

    1) a) In the following reaction of the addition of HCl to vinylcyclopentane (1), one of the major products formed is 1-chloro-1-ethylcyclopentane (2).…


    Organic Chemistry Exam 3

    The anti-HIV drug shown below has 6 stereogenic carbons. In the boxes provided, indicate the configuration using the R or S designation. …


    Organic Chemistry Final

    1. Fill in the missing groups on the front carbon in the Newman projections for the conformers of butane. …


    Organic Chemistry Quiz 1

    1. What is the hybridization of the carbon indicated below? 2. Which of the following compounds would you expect to be a…


    Organic Chemistry Quiz 2

    Which of the following substituents would have the lowest Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority What is the correct name for the following molecule? What type…


    Organic Chemistry Quiz 3

    1. Which of the following structures is not optically active (hint: it’s a meso compound)? 2. An equal mixture of two enantiomers…

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