Organik Kimya
Organic Chemistry Quiz 1
1. What is the hybridization of the carbon indicated below? 2. Which of the following compounds would you expect to be a Lewis Base? 3. What is the correct structure for 1-chloro-1,3 dimethylcyclopentane? …
Organic Chemistry Quiz 2
Which of the following substituents would have the lowest Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority What is the correct name for the following molecule? What type of free radical process is the following? …
Organic Chemistry Quiz 3
1. Which of the following structures is not optically active (hint: it’s a meso compound)? 2. An equal mixture of two enantiomers is referred to as a: 3. A racemic mixture of enantiomers . . . 4. What is stereochemical configuration of the stereocenters in the following? 5. What is the relationship between the following pair of molecules? …
Organic Chemistry Quiz 4
1. What will be the major product for the following reaction? …
Organic Chemistry Quiz 5
1. Molecules absorb infrared radiation at frequencies that relate to . . . ? (a) the number of hydrogens in the molecule (c) the stretching and bending of bonds (b) the rate of collision between molecules (d) the number of atoms in the molecule 2. The term base peak in Mass Spectrometry refers to . . .? (a) the largest peak in the mass spectrum (c) the smallest peak in the mass spectrum (b) the baseline peak in the mass spectrum (d) the M+ peak in the mass spectrum …
Organic Chemistry Quiz 6
1. How many different resonances would the following molecule show in the 1H NMR spectrum? 2. What will be the splitting pattern for the resonance of the protons indicated below? 3. What will be the splitting pattern for the resonance of the protons indicated below? …
Polifenoller her molekülde birden fazla fenol grubunun bulunduğu bileşiklerdir. Polifenoller genelde bitkilerde bulunur ve bitkilerin renklenmelerinden, örneğin sonbahardaki yaprak renklerinden sorumludurlar. Antioksidan özelliklerinden dolayı insan sağlığına muhtemel faydaları vardır. Antioksidan polifenollerin oksidatif stresi (reaktif oksijen ile meydana gelen stres) azaltmalarından dolayı kardiyovasküler hastalık ve kanser risklerini de azalttığına dair bulgular vardır. Bu bileşiklerin Alzheimer hastalığının başlangıcını da geciktirdiği gösterilmiştir. Çaya işlemede bir seri kimyasal değişiklikler uğrayarak çayın özellik kazanmasında temel rolü oynarlar. Çay bitkisinde gallik asit ve kateşinin türevleri halinde bulunurlar. Gallik asit’in en iyi bilinen türevlerinin tanenler olması nedeniyle…