Kütle Transferi

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    Isı ve Kütle Transferi Soru Seti

    1.  Birinde buzdolabı olan, diğerinde olmayan birbirinin aynı iki odanın bütün kapı ve pencereleri kapalıdır, buzdolabı olan oda daha sıcak mı soğuk mu olur? Neden? 2.  Bir kış günü, bir evin penceresi olmayan duvarından olan ısı transferinde duvardaki ısı iletim hızını etkileyen faktörleri belirleyiniz. 3.  15 cm çaplı alüminyum küre 80°C’den 200°C’lik bir ortalama sıcaklığa kadar ısıtılacaktır. Bu sıcaklık aralığında ortalama özgül kütle ve özgül ısıyı sırasıyla ρ=2700 kg/m3  ve c = 0.90 p kj/kg°C alarak alüminyum küreye verilmesi gereken ısı miktarını bulunuz. (CEVAP: 515 kj) …

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    Convective Mass Transfer ( Dr. Filiz Alshanableh )

    PART 11- CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Convective Mass Transfer coefficient 2.3 Significant parameters in convective mass transfer 2.4 The application of dimensional analysis to Mass Transfer 2.4.1 Transfer into a stream flowing under forced convection 2.4.2 Transfer into a phase whose motion is due to natural convection 2.5 Analogies among mass, heat, and momentum transfer 2.5.1 Reynolds analogy 2.5.2 Chilton – Colburn analogy 2.6 Convective mass transfer correlations 2.6.1 For flow around flat plat 2.6.2 For flow around single sphere 2.6.3 For flow around single cylinder 2.6.4 For…

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    Principles of Mass Transfer ( Dr. Filiz Alshanableh )

    PRINCIPLES OF MASS TRANSFER INTRODUCTION Mass Transfer à When a component in a mixture migrates in the same phase or from phase to phase because of a difference in concentration Examples of mass transfer • Evaporation of water in the open pail to the atmosphere • Coffee dissolves in water • Oxygen dissolves in the solution to the microorganism in the fermentation process • Reaction occurs when reactants diffuse from the surrounding medium to the catalyst surface Possible driving force for mass transfer • Concentration difference • Pressure difference •…

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    Gıda Mühendisliği İşlemleri – 3 ( Prof. Dr. Zeynep Katnaş )

    Şifre / Password: trakyagida

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    Kütle ve Enerji Denklikleri ( Prof. Dr. Zeynep KATNAŞ )


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    Aerosol & Particulate Research Lab Gas Absorption Definition: transfer of a gaseous component (absorbate) from the gas phase to a liquid (absorbent) phase through a gas-liquid interface. Q: What are the key parameters that affect the effectiveness? Q: How can we improve absorption efficiency? Mass transfer rate: gas phase controlled absorption liquid phase controlled absorption Reading: Chap 13 Q: Does it matter if it’s gas phase or liquid phase controlled? Gas Absorption Equipment Mist Eliminator Liquid Spray Packing Liquid outlet Dirty gas in Spray nozzle Clean gas out Countercurrent packed…

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    Air Properties: Temperature and Relative Humidity

    Atmospheric air contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, other gases, and miscellaneous contaminants such as dust, pollen, and smoke. This is the air we breathe and use for ventilation. Dry air exists when all of the contaminants and water vapor have been removed from atmospheric air. By volume, dry air contains about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and 1 percent other gases. Dry air is used as the reference in psychrometrics. Moist air is a mixture of dry air and water vapor. … Source: http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/sendIt/g1849.pdf

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    Mass transfer is the net movement of a component in a mixture from one location to another where the component exists at a different concentration. Often, the transfer takes place between 2 phases across interface. …

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