Kütle Transferi

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    Enerji ve Kütle Denkliği Ders Sunumları ( Doç. Dr. Ahmet AKKÖSE )

    Temel Bilgiler Temel Bilgiler, Blok Diyagramların Oluşturulması, Kütle Denkliklerinin Oluşturulması Toplam Kütle Denkliği ve Bileşen Denkliği Kütle Denkliği, Geri Beslemeli Sistemler Kütle Denkliği, By-Pass Akımı Kütle Denkliği, Kararlı Halde Reaksiyonlu Açık Sistemler Enerji Denkliği, Gıdaların Dondurulmasında Entalpi Değişimi Enerji Denkliği, Evaporasyon İşleminde Kütle ve Enerji Denklikleri Enerji Denkliği, Tek Etkili Evaporasyonda Kütle ve Enerji Denkliklerinin Oluşturulması Enerji Denkliği, Tek Etkili Evaporasyonda Kütle ve Enerji Denkliklerinin Oluşturulması Tek Etkili Evaporasyonda Kütle ve Enerji Denkliklerinin Oluşturulması, Psikrometri Psikrometri, Psikrometrik Diyagram Enerji Denkliği, Kurutma İşleminde Kütle ve Enerji Denkliklerinin Oluşturulması Enerji Denkliği, Kurutma…

  • Foodelphi.com books 4 660x330 2019 library


    Leaching • Leaching is a preferential solution of one or more constituents of solid mixture by contact with a liquid solvent. This unit operation is one of the oldest in the chemical industries. Industrial Application • Leaching is widely used in the biological and food processing industries, such as the separation of sugar from sugar beets with hot water. • The extraction of oils from peanuts, soybeans, sunflower seeds, cotton seeds, and halibut livers. • In pharmaceutical industry, many products are obtained by leaching plant roots, leaves, and stems. •…

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    The Psychrometric Chart: Theory and Application ( Perry Peralta )

    THE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART: Theory and Application Perry Peralta NC State University PSYCHROMETRIC CHART Identify parts of the chart Determine moist air properties Use chart to analyze processes involving moist air … Source: https://www.swst.org/wp/meetings/AM05/peralta.pdf

  • Foodelphi.com books 2 660x330 2019 library


    Psychrometrics Outline • What is psychrometrics? • Psychrometrics in daily life and food industry • Psychrometric chart – Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, relative humidity, specific volume, enthalpy – Dew point temperature • Mixing two streams of air • Heating of air and using it to dry a product • Psychrometrics is the study of properties of mixtures of air and water vapor • Water vapor – Superheated steam (unsaturated steam) at low pressure – Superheated steam tables are on page 817 of textbook – Properties of…

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    Kütle ve Enerji Denklikleri Final Sınavı Soruları ( 2005 – 2006 Güz )

    KÜTLE VE ENERJİ DENKLİKLERİ 2005-06 GÜZ YARIYILI FİNAL SINAVI Açık kitap ve not –   100 dk   18.01.2006 No        : Adı Soyadı : (20) 1. % 4 KM içeren çay ekstraktı 60°C’ta çalışan bir buharlaştırıcıda % 40 KM içeriğine kadar konsantre edilecektir. 200 kg/h debi ve 20°C sıcaklıkta buharlaştırıcıya giren çay ekstraktını konsantre etmek için 120°C’ta buhar olarak girip 90°C’ta su olarak çıkan ısıtma ortamı kullanılacaktır. Konsantre çay daha sonra bir püskürtmeli kurutucuda % 2 nem içeriğine kadar kurutularak kullanıma hazır (instant) çay tozu elde edilecektir. Instant çay tozu üretim…

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    Absorption Operations in Packed Column

    Absorption operations in packed column A packed column is a cylindrical vessel under pressure, filled with a suitable packing material between the internal section 1 and 2. The liquid flows down by gravity through the surface of the packing elements forming a thin film layer around it. The gas rises in counter-current mode with the liquid stream. The mass transfer takes place through the interface film present between the gas and the liquid. The column is now a continuous differential contacting devices. There is no distinguishable stage (like the plates…

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    Mass and Energy Balances

    Chapter 4 Mass and Energy Balances In this chapter we will apply the conservation of mass and conservation of energy laws to open systems or control volumes of interest. The balances will be applied to steady and unsteady system such as tanks, turbines, pumps, and compressors. 4.1 Conservation of Mass The general balance equation can be written as Accumulation = Input + Generation – Output – Consumption The terms (Generation – Consumption) are usually combined to call Generation with positive value for net generation and negative value for net consumption.…

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    Introduction to Mass Transfer

    Introduction to Mass Transfer Introduction Three fundamental transfer processes: i) Momentum transfer ii) Heat transfer iii) Mass transfer Mass transfer may occur in a gas mixture, a liquid solution or solid. Mass transfer occurs whenever there is a gradient in the concentration of a species. The basic mechanisms are the same whether the phase is a gas, liquid, or solid. Definition of Concentration i) Number of molecules of each species present per unit volume (molecules/m3) ii) Molar concentration of species i = Number of moles of i per unit volume…

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