Aletsel Analiz


    Gaz Kromotoğrafisi

    Kromotoğraf cihazları, bir sıvı ya da gaz karışımının bileşenlerinin oranlarını veya karışımdaki safsızlıkların miktarlarını ölçmek için tasarlanmış cihazlardır. Karışım, tutucu özelliği olan bir kolondan taşıyıcı gaz yardımıyla geçirilirken bileşenlerin tutucu kolon ile etkileşimlerinin farklı olması ayrımın gerçekleşmesine neden olur. Kullanım yerlerini petrokimya, farmakoloji, kimyasal madde üretimi, biyokimya, genetik, gıda ve su arıtma olarak verebiliriz . …


    Gıdalarda Enstrümental Analizler ( MEGEP )

    1. ENSTRÜMENTAL ANALİZLERDE ÖN HAZIRLIK 1.1. Gıdalarda Yapılan Enstrümental Analizler 1.2. Enstrümental analizlerde ön hazırlıklar 2. SPEKTROSKOPİ 2.1. Spektroskopi ile İlgili Terimler 2.2. Spektroskopik Yöntemler 2.3. Ultraviyole (UV) ve Görünür Bölge Moleküler Absorpsiyon Spektroskopisi 3. REFRAKTOMETRİ 3.1. Refraktometrinin İlkesi 3.2. Refraktometre ve Çeşitleri 3.2.1. Abbe Refraktometresi 3.2.2. El Refraktometreleri 3.3. Refraktometrik Analizler 3.3.1. Nitel Analizler 3.3.2. Nicel analizler 3.4. Refraktometrik Analizlerde Numunenin (Örnek) Hazırlanması 3.5. Okuma Yapma ve Sıcaklık Düzeltmesi 3.6. Refraktometrik Gıda Analizleri 3.6.1. Zeytin Yağında, Bitkisel SıvıYağlarda Kırılma İndisi Tayini 3.6.2. Meyve ve Sebze Mamulleri, Bal, Gazozda Suda…


    High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( Dr.Hüseyin BOZKURT )

    High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is one mode of chromatography, the most widely used analytical technique. Chromatographic processes can be defined as separation techniques involving mass-transfer between stationary and mobile phases. Present day liquid chromatography that generally utilizes very small packing particles and a relatively high pressure is referred to as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). HPLC utilizes a liquid mobile phase to separate the components of a mixture. These components are first dissolved in a solvent, and then forced to flow through a chromatographic column under high pressure. In the column, the mixture is resolved…


    HPLC ( Erciyes Üniversitesi )

    HPLC’nin teorisi ve kullanım sahası Kullanılan modüller ve işlevleri Ayırma tekniklerinin sınıflandırılması KROMATOGRAFİ NEDİR? Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) Column Chromatography Gas Chromatography (GC) High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) Hareketli Faz (Mobile Phase) Sıvı veya Gas Sabit Faz (Stationary Phase) solid partikül veya ince bir sıvı film ile kaplanmış solid partikül HPLC Sistemi Akış Diyagramı ISOCRATIC SYSTEM GRADIENT SYSTEM HPLC SİSTEM MODÜLLERİ HPLC ’de AYIRMA TEKNİKLERİ NORMAL FAZ HİDROJEN BAĞI TERS FAZ KOLONLARI SABİT FAZIN ETKİSİ İYON ÇİFTİ REAKTİFLERİ İYON DEĞİŞTİRİCİ KOLONLAR İYON KROMATOGRAFİDE ETKİLEŞİM…


    HPLC: Separation And Quantification Of Components In Diet Soft Drinks

    HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY: Separation And Quantification Of Components In Diet Soft Drinks REFERENCES: 1.      Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th Edition, Douglas Skoog, F. James Holler, Timothy Nieman, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, 1998. 2.      “The Analysis of Artificial Sweeteners and Additives in Beverages by HPLC,” Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 68(8), August 1991, p A195-A200. OBJECTIVES:  The purpose of this experiment is to quantify the caffeine content of a diet cola sample using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).  In order to quantify the caffeine, it must be isolated from the…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Analysis of Proteins

    THEORY Proteins are polymers of amino acids. Twenty different types of amino acids occur naturally in proteins. Proteins differ from each other according to the type, number and sequence of amino acids that make up the polypeptide backbone. As a result they have different molecular structures, nutritional attributes and physiochemical properties. Proteins are important constituents of foods for a number of different reasons. They are a major source of energy, as well as containing essential amino-acids, such as lysine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are essential to human…


    ‎Laboratory‎ > ‎Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

    ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY and PROTEIN DETERMINATION with BIURET METHOD THEORY ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY Spectroscopy is the use of the absorption, emission, or scattering of electromagnetic radiation by atoms or molecules (or atomic or molecular ions) to qualitatively or quantitatively study the atoms or molecules, or to study physical processes. The interaction of radiation with matter can cause redirection of the radiation and/or transitions between the energy levels of the atoms or molecules. A transition from a lower level to a higher level with transfer of energy from the radiation field to…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy ( Prof. Dr. Şenol İBANOĞLU )

    FE 315 Instrumental Analysis Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Instructor: Prof. Dr. Şenol İBANOĞLU  THEORY Atomization Atomic spectroscopy requires that atoms of the element of interest be in the atomic state (not combined with other elements in a compound) and that they be well separated in space. In foods, virtually all elements are present as compounds or complexes and, therefore, must be converted to neutral atoms (atomized) before atomic absorption or emission measurements can be made. Atomization involves separating particles into individual molecules (vaporization) and breaking molecules into atoms. It is usually…

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