Aletsel Analiz


    Thin Layer Chromatography ( TLC )

    Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is an important technique for identification and separation of mixtures of organic compounds. It is useful in: Identification of components of a mixture (using appropriate standards) following the course of a reaction, analyzing fractions collected during purification, analyzing the purity of a compound. In TLC, components of the mixture are partitioned between an adsorbent (the stationary phase, usually silica gel, SiO2) and a solvent ( the mobile phase) which flows through the adsorbent. …


    Quechers Method

    … The QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, Safe) method of pesticide residue was developed by Michelangelo Anastassiades and Steven Lehotay in 2003 to make the analysis of pesticide residues easier and cheaper. Earlier methods were difficult and required multiple, tedious steps, which were time consuming and required the use of a considerable amount of solvent and did not always cover a wide range of pesticides, necessitating multiple analyses of a sample. Since its original development, the QuEChERS method has been standardized as the AOAC 2007.01, EN 15662 and the…



    Centrifugation Learning Outcomes General Idea Feed added to spinning bowl Sedimentation of particles occurs in centrifugal field Flow is upwards at a particular rate which determines residence time in device Separation happens if sedimentation velocity is high enough for particle to reach side of bowl within residence time Large particles have higher settling velocities than small particles Both large and small are still particles, have small Reynolds no.s (<1) and obey Stokes’ Law The Centrifuge Separation of milk into skimmed milk and cream is done with a centrifuge Centrifugal Motion…


    Instrumental Analysis – Calibration Methods

    Instrumental Analysis The course is designed to introduce the student to modern methods of instrumental analysis In modern analytical chemistry. The focus of the course is in trace analysis, and therefore methods for the identification, separation and quantitation of trace substances will be described. Scope and Relevancy of Instrumental Analysis Instrumental Methods Instruments Calibration Methods Method Validation Specificity Linearity Accuracy Precision Range Limits of Detection and Quantitation Method Validation – Specificity How well an analytical method distinguishes the analyte from everything else in the sample. Baseline separation Method Validation- Linearity…


    Gaz Kromatografisi

    GAZ KROMATOGRAFİSİ Tanım: Gaz kromotografisi de, öteki kromatografi dalları gibi bir karışımda bulunan maddeleri ayırmaya yarar. Hareketli ve sabit olmak üzere iki faz vardır ancak diğerlerinden farklı olarak hareketli fazın görevi sadece maddeleri taşımaktır. Yani diğer kromatografi dallarında olduğu gibi ayrılması istenen maddelerle hareketli faz arasında hiçbir etkileşme olmaz. Sadece gazlar değil, düşük sıcaklıkta gaz haline dönüşebilen sıvı ve katı tüm maddelerin analizide bu metot ile yapılabilir. Yukarıdaki bilgilerden yola çıkarak GC’nin faydaları aşağıdaki gibi sıralanabilir: 1. Verilen bir numune içindeki uçucu maddelerin sayısının ve miktarının tayin edilmesi 2. Bir…


    Gas Chromatography ( Dr. Aslıhan KERÇ )

    Gas Chromatography (GC) *Gas chromatography is a chromatographic technique that can be used to separate volatile organic compounds. *It consists of a flowing mobile phase an injection port a separation column (the stationary phase) an oven a detector. …


    FTIR Absorbsiyon Spektroskopisi

    FTIR ABSORBSİYON SPEKTROSKOPİSİ IR teorisi, Cihazlar, IR Uygulamalar Fransız  matematikçisi  Sean  Fourier’in  (1786-1830)  geliştirdiği  ve Fourier  trans-  formasyon (dönüşüm) olarak adlandırılan bir matematiksel işleme göre, bir dalga   hareketi basit sinüs veya kosinüslü ifadelerin toplamı ile tanımlanabilir. … Kaynak


    Differential Scanning Calorimetry ( Stephen Collins )

    Differential Scanning Calorimetry Stephen Collins Benefits Increased Sensitivity for Detecting Weak (Glass) Transitions Eliminates baseline curvature and drift Increased Resolution Without Loss of Sensitivity Two heating rates (average and instantaneous) Ability to Separate Complex Thermal Events and Transitions Into Their Heat Capacity and Kinetic Components Ability to Measure Heat Capacity (Structure) Changes During Reactions and Under Isothermal Conditions Downside Slow data collection …

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