Isı Transferi


    Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

    Objective: To study and evaluate the effects of hot and cold fluid flow rate and flow configurations on the rate of heat transfer through thin walled tubes. To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for the double pipe heat exchanger for countercurrent flow and parallel (or co-current) flow. System: The heat exchanger consists of two thin wall copper tubes mounted concentrically on a panel. The flow of water through the center tube can be reversed for either countercurrent or parallel flow. The hot water flows through the center tube, and…


    Borulu Isı Değiştiriciler ( MEGEP )

    1. ISI DEĞİŞTİRİCİLER 1.1. Isı Değiştiriciler 1.2. Borulu Isı Değiştiriciler (Eşanjörler) 1.2.1. Gövde Borulu Isı Değiştiricileri 1.2.2. Düz (Çift) Borulu Isı Değiştiricileri 1.2.3. Spiral Borulu Isı Değiştiricileri 1.3. Isı Değiştiricilerinde Akış Düzenlemeleri 1.3.1. Tek Geçişli Isı Değiştiriciler 2. BORULU ISI DEĞİŞTİRİCİ DONANIMI VE İŞLETMEYE ALINMASI 2.1. Borulu Isı Değiştirici Mekanik Donanımı 2.1.1. Sürgülü (Şiber) Vana 2.1.2. Termostatik Vana 2.1.3. Elektromanyetik Vana (Selonoid Valf) 2.1.4. Otomatik Havalandırıcı 2.1.5. Termometre 2.1.6. Yan Geçit (By Pass) 2.1.7. Pompa 2.1.9. Yaylı Emniyet Vanası 2.2. Borulu Isı Değiştirici Enstrümantasyon Donanımı 2.3. Borulu Isı Değiştiricinin (Eşanjörün)…


    Heat Transfer Sample Question Paper

    Q.1 (a) Attempt any THREE of the following: a) Mention two modes of heat transfer with examples. b) Draw a sketch and describe the principle of convection as a mode of heat transfer. c) Define perfect Black body. d) Name two heat transfer equipments where latent heat is exchanged. Q.1 (b) Attempt any ONE of the following: a) Derive rate equation for heat transfer through a thick walled cylinder. b) Draw the diagram and describe the concept of optimum thickness of insulation with a neat diagram. Q.2 Attempt any TWO of…


    Gıda Mühendisliği İşlemleri – 2 ( Prof. Dr. Zeynep Katnaş )

    Şifre / Password: trakyagida


    Aseptic Processing vs. Conventional Canning

    Aseptic Processing vs. Conventional Canning Problem: 1. Canning overcooks foods, giving poor quality 2. Cans are inconvenient and unsafe Solution: Aseptic Processing Aseptic Bag vs. Can “Aseptic Processing and Packaging means the filling of a commercially sterilized cool product into presterilized containers, followed by aseptic hermetical sealing, with a presterilized closure, in an atmosphere free of microorganisms.” “Commercial Sterility of equipment… means…free of viable microorganisms having public health significance, as well as microorganisms of nonhealth significance, capable of reproducing in the food under normal nonrefrigerated conditions of storage and distribution.” “Low-acid foods means any foods, other than…


    Blanching ( Dr. Manolya E. ÖNER )

    •FE 546 THERMAL PROCESS ENGINEERING •Manolya E. Oner, PhD •Assistant Professor of Food Engineering •FE 546 Thermal Process Engineering •Food processing technology: Principles and practice. 2009. Third ed. P.J. Fellows •Continuous thermal processing of foods: Pasteurization and UHT Sterilization. 2002. Michael Lewis and Neil Heppell •Engineering aspects of thermal food processing. 2009. Ricardo Simpson. •Thermal food processing: New Technologies and Quality Issues. 2006. Da-Wen Sun •Heat Treatment Heat treatment remains one of the most important methods used in food processing, not only because of the desirable effects on eating quality (e.g. baking), but also because of the preservative effect on…


    Energy Transport

    Energy Transport Energy Transport Focus on Æheat transfer Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Heat Transfer Mechanisms: • Conduction • Conduction • Radiation • Radiation • Convection (mass movement of fluids) • Convection (mass movement of fluids) Conduction Conduction Conduction heat transfer occurs only when there is physical contact between bodies (systems) at different temperatures by molecular motion. Heat transfer through solid bodies is by conduction alone, whereas the heat may transfer from a solid surface to a fluid partly by conduction and partly by convection. Fourier’s Law of Thermal Conduction Fourier’s Law…


    Eş Merkezli Isı Değiştirici

    1.0 ÖZET 2.0 DENEY HAKKINDA 3.0 VERİLER 4.0 HESAPLAMALAR 4.1 Sıcak ve soğuk su için ısı transfer hızı ve ısı kaybı 4.2 Isı değiştiricinin verimliliği 4.3 Ortalama logaritmik sıcaklık farkı 4.4 Deneysel toplu ısı transfer katsayısı 4.5 Teorik toplu ısı transfer katsayısı 4.6 Sıcaklık profilleri 5.0 TARTIŞMA 6.0 YORUM 7.0 ÖNERİLER 8.0 KISALTMALAR 9.0 REFERANSLAR 1.0 ÖZET : Yapılan deney merkezi aynı, çapları farklı olan iki borunun birbiri içine konularak iç kısmından sıcak akışkanın; dış kısmından soğuk akışkanın geçirilerek sıcak akışkanın soğuk akışkanı ısıtması prensibine dayanır. Bu prensibe dayanarak deneyin…

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