Genel Kimya


    Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibria

    GRAVIMETRIC METHODS OF ANALYSIS TYPES 1. Precipitation gravimetry (oldest) 2. Electrogravimetry 3. Volatilization gravimetry and Thermogravimetry 4. Gravimetric titrimetry 5. Particulate gravimetry When signal is mass of a precipitate, the method is called precipitation gravimetry. For example, determination of Cl– by precipitating it as AgCl. • Electrogravimetry: the analyte is deposited on one electrode in an electrochemical cell. For example • oxidation of Pb2+, and its deposition as PbO2 on a Pt anode or • reduction of Cu2+ to Cu and its electrodeposition on a Pt cathode, for direct analysis…

  • lab test tubes colorful

    Ethyl Acetate

    What is the ester? Give two examples. How do they prepared? Give mechanism. Esters are formed by the reaction of carboxylic acids with alcohols in the presence of an acid catalyst. Esters are used as artificial flavorings in many foods.  As a result, esters often have a recognizable odor.  For example they may smell like a particular fruit.  We will try to match esters formed with their parent odors. Carboxylic acid ester: A compound that can be thought of as the product of the reaction between a carboxylic acid (RCO2H)…


    Laboratuvarda Kullanılan Genel Analiz Yöntemleri

    LABORATUVARDA KULLANILAN GENEL ANALİZ YÖNTEMLERİ BUHARLAŞTIRMA ÇÖKTÜRME KRİSTALLEŞTİRME DİSTİLASYON (DAMITMA) KURUTMA YAKMA EKSTAKSİYON 1.BUHARLAŞTIRMA Buharlaştırma veya evaporasyon bir sıvı hammaddeden belirli miktarda suyun buharlaştırarak ayrılmasıdır. Gıda endüstrisinde hammadde veya kaynak gıda maddesi birçok durumda elde olunacak üründe bulunması istenilenden daha fazla su içerir. Gıda maddesi sıvı olduğunda fazla suyun uzaklaştırılması için genellikle en kolay yöntem ısı uygulanarak bu suyun buharlaştırılmasıdır. Bu nedenle buharlaştırma gıda endüstrisinde çok kullanılan bir işlemdir. Sanayide kullanılan buharlaştırıcılar genellikle çift cidarlı ve kapalı sistemlerdir. Açık sistemler ise en basit örneği ise tencerelerde kaynatma işlemidir. 2.ÇÖKTÜRME İstenilen…


    Water Hardness and Alkalinity

    Water Hardness and Alkalinity It may be that your water hardness and alkalinity are perfect for discus but unfortunately this is not always the case. It is far easier to adjust hardness and alkalinity upwards as when keeping hard-water fishes, but lowering these values is by no means impossible. It simply involves another step in the water conditioning process. Total hardness (general hardness) is the sum combination of carbonate and noncarbonate hardness of your water. Total hardness is measured as, degrees, dH, or ppm (parts per million). One dH is…


    Acid – Base Titration Lab. Reports

    PURPOSE: The purpose of the titration is to determine the amount of acid it contains by measuring the number of mL of the standard NaOH need to neutralize it. The technique of titration will use to determine the concentration of solutions of acids and bases. THEORY: Titration is a laboratory technique designed to use the reaction of two solutions to determine the concentration of one or the other.  The titration with the HCl will be used to determine our NaOH solution concentration. The technique of titration can be applied to…


    Purification Techniques ( Hermenegildo García Gómez )

    This booklet deals with purification of the organic product after completion of the main reaction. Crystallisation Suction Filtration Solvent Extraction Partition Coefficient or Distribution Ratio Fractional Distillation Assessing Purity MELTING POINT Thin Layer Chromatography TLC


    Experiment 5: Chemical Equilibrium ( Kinetics measured by Pressure )

    Chemistry 102 Laboratory Experiment 5:  Chemical Equilibrium (Kinetics measured by Pressure) Laboratory In this experiment you will measure the rate of decomposition of carbonic acid by measuring the rate of production of carbon dioxide in the following reaction: H2CO3  <–>  CO2(g)  +  H2O The equilibrium constant for this reaction, in terms of concentration, is given by the expression: Keq  =  [CO2]/ [H2CO3] In this experiment, however, the pressure of carbon dioxide, rather than its concentration, is to be measured.  In particular, the pressure is measured as a function of time,…


    Laboratuvar Araç Gereçleri ( MEGEP )

    1. ARAÇ GEREÇLERİN TEMİZLİĞİ 1.1. Laboratuvarda Kullanılan Araç Gereçler 1.1.1. Cam Malzemeler 1.1.2. Bunzen Beki 1.1.3. Su Banyosu 1.1.4. Etüv 1.1.5. Kül Fırın 1.1.6. Porselen Malzemeler 1.1.7. Termometreler 1.2. Laboratuvarda Temizlik ve Önemi 1.3. Laboratuvar Temizliği 1.4. Cam Malzemelerin Temizliği 1.4.1. Temizlik Aşamaları 1.5. Diğer Malzemelerin Temizliği 2.SÜZGEÇ KAĞIDI KESME VE CAM MALZEME HAZIRLAMA 2.1. Süzgeç Kâğıdı ve Çeşitleri 2.2. Süzgeç Kâğıdı Kesme ve Katlama 2.3. Cam Malzeme Çeşitleri 2.4. Cam Malzeme Kesme, Bükme ve Uç Çekme …

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