Genel Kimya


    Lab: Oxidation – Reduction Titrations ( Permanganometry )

    Potassium permanganate, KMnO4, is probably the most widely used of all volumetric oxidizing agents. It is a powerful oxidant and readily available at modest cost. The intense color of the permanganate ion, MnO4- , is sufficient to detect the end point in most titrations. Depending upon reaction conditions permanganate ion is reduced to manganese in the 2+, 3+, 4+ or 6+ state. In solutions that are 0.1 M or greater in mineral acid the common reduction product is manganese (II) ion MnO4-+ 8H++ 5e-↔ Mn2++ 4H2O E0 = 1.51 V…


    Charles’ Law

    Charles’ Law The Temperature-Volume Relationship Charles’ Law French chemist Jacques Charles discovered that the volume of a gas at constant pressure changes with temperature. As the temperature of the gas increases, so does its volume, and as its temperature decreases, so does its volume. C h a r l e s ’  L a w The law says that at constant pressure, the volume of a fixed number of particles of gas is directly proportional to the absolute (Kelvin) temperature, mathematically expressed as: V = kT Charles’ Law V =…


    Experiments In General Chemistry 2 ( Dr. Ayşe Elif BÖYÜKBAYRAM )

    Experiments 11. Çözeltilerin Hazırlanması 12. Çözünürlük ve Çözünürlüğü Etkileyen Faktörler 13. Donma Noktası Alçalmasından Molekül Kütlesi Tayini 14. Kinetic Study of the Reaction Between Ferric and Iodine Ions 15. Le Chatelier Kuralı 16. Asit Baz Titrasyonu 17. pH ve İndikatörler 18. Oxidation-Reduction Electron Transfer Reactions 19. The Solubility Product Constant of Calcium lodate, Ca(IO3)2 20. Sabun References … 


    Le Chatelier’s Principle ( AP Chemistry )

    Le Chatelier’s Principle AP Chemistry Le Chatelier’s Principle Factors that Affect Equilibrium Concentration Temperature Pressure –For gaseous systems only! The presence of a catalyst Concentration Changes Add more reactant è Shift to products Remove reactants è Shift to reactants Reaction Quotient The reaction quotient for an equilibrium system is the same as the equilibrium expression, but the concentrations are NOT at equilibrium! Changes in Concentration Changes in concentration are best understood in terms of what would happen to “Q” if the concentrations were changed. N2O4(g)  ó  2NO2(g) Temperature Changes Exothermic…


    The Beer Lambert Law

    The Beer –Lambert Law When a monochromatic light of initial intensity Io passes through a solution in a transparent vessel, some of the light is absorbed so that the intensity of the transmitted light I is less than Io .There is some loss of light intensity from scattering by particles in the solution and reflection at the interfaces, but mainly from absorption by the solution. Therelationship between I and Io depends on the path length of theabsorbing medium, l, and the concentration of the absorbing solution,c. These factors are related…

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    Kimyasal Bileşikler

    –Moleküler (Molekül Yapısında) Bileşik: bağımsız moleküller içeren bileşiktir molekülde az sayıda ametal atomları kovalent bağlarla bir arada tutulurlar. –Molekül: Atomların bağlarla birleşmesinden oluşan ve bileşikle aynı bileşime sahip olan en küçük tanecik veya yapı taşıdır. –Bileşikler, kendisini oluşturan bileşenlerinin hangi sabit oranlarda karıştığını belirten kimyasal formüller ile temsil edilirler. –Su ® H2O –Karbon dioksit ® CO2 –Sodyum klorür ® NaCl –Demir (II) sülfür ® FeS İyonik Bileşikler Mol Kavramı ve Kimyasal Bileşikler Formül Kütlesi: Bir bileşiğin atom kütle birimi (akb) cinsinden bir formül biriminin kütlesidir. Molekül Kütlesi: Atomik kütle birimi…


    Tamponlar, Asit-Bazlar ve Konsantrasyon Türleri ( Prof. Dr. Yeşim Özarda )

    Tamponlar, Asit-Bazlar, ve Konsantrasyon türleri Prof. Dr. Yeşim Özarda Asitler ve bazlar Konjuge asit ve baz Bir çözeltinin pH’ı, çözeltideki H+ iyonları konsantrasyonunun eksi (-) logaritmasıdır. Henderson – Hesselbach Denklemi [HA] -log [H+] = – log Ka – log [A-] [A-] pH = p Ka + log [HA] Nötralizasyon reaksiyonu Asitler bazlar ile reaksiyona girdiği zaman suyu ve su içinde çözünmüş iyonik bir bileşik (tuz) meydana getirirler HCl + NaOH        H2O + NaCl   Asit     Baz            Su        Tuz Amfolitler Suyun iyonizasyonu …


    Fractional Crystallization

    Fractional Crystallization Fractional crystallization is a method of refining substances based on differences in solubility If a mixture of two or more substances in solution is allowed to crystallize, for example by allowing the temperature of the solution to decrease, the precipitate will contain more of the least soluble substance.   Is it possible to separate mixtures of different ionic compounds by dissolving them in water and adjusting the temperature of the solution so that one compound crystallizes out and the other does not? YES!! You are given a mixture…

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