Gıda Teknolojisi


    Energy Bar ( Çilem Merve KIRINTI )

    ENERGY BAR Submitted by Çilem Merve KIRINTI Görkem KIRMIZIDAM Aslıhan KURT K.Burcu KOŞAR Birsen LAFTAN Ömer Faruk MİR Advisor     Prof. Dr. Fahrettin GÖGÜŞ                   INTRODUCTION Food bars are combinations of ingredients that provide food in a solid, low moisture form They are consumed as a source of nutrients, as opposed to confectionery bars, which are consumed as sweet products FEATURES OF BARS The mysteries of controlling the texture of food bars can be understood only by a return to basic scientific principles Positive features were identified as low cohesiveness, moistness…


    Jelly Candy Production ( Gizem TÜRKMENOĞLU )

    FE401 FOOD TECHNOLOGY JELLY CANDY PRODUCTION WHAT IS JELLY CANDY ? Jelly candies are a broad category of gelatine-based, chewable sweets. Jelly bears are widely popular and are a well-known part of the sweets industry. Jellies are available in a wide variety of shapes including bears, bottles, worms, frogs, hamburgers, sharks, hearts and feet . Jellies have a long history as a popular confectionery. The first gelatin based candy was the jelly bear, introduced by Haribo in 1920. Haribo produces over 80 million bears a day. JELLY CANDY ECONOMY Turkish…


    Macaroni ( Merve ÇİNPOLAT )

    401 FOOD TECHNOLOGY MACARONI SUBMITTED BY MERVE ÇİNPOLAT ÇAĞLA EFTELYA DURSUN OSMAN BERAT KELEKÇİ ESMA DURMAZ DİCLE DOĞAN SÜMEYYE KILINÇ SUPERVISOR: Prof.Dr. Şenol İBANOĞLU Consumption of Macaroni kg Per Person Composition and Type of  Macaroni Standart macaroni contains only semolina and water. Whole wheat macaroni contains whole wheat semolina and water, Enriched macaroni contains semolina, water, vitamins and minerals. Fortified macaroni contains semolina, water, vitamins, minerals and protein. QUALITY PARAMATERS OF MACARONI Increasing volume, Increasing weight Amount of matter passing through to cooking water, Colour after cooking, Stickiness. WHY SHOULD YOU…


    Corn Oil Production ( Buket KOŞAR )

    FE 401 FOOD TECHNOLOGY CORN OIL PRODUCTION BUKET KOŞAR NURBANU TANIŞ SAMYELİ HARBİYECİ SELİN GÜLEÇ HATİCE ERDOĞAN SUPERVISOR: PROF. DR. FAHRETTİN GÖĞÜŞ HISTORY Corn, Zea mays L., a plant belonging to the grass family, is native to both North an South America. It was the staple grain of the Indians for centuries before Europeans reached the New World. In 1889, Theadere and Benjamin Hudnut made a machine which extracts the corn oil from corn germ. Industrial Uses of Corn Human food Animal feed Starch production Glucose syrup production Oil production…


    Apple Fruit Juice ( Fatma ATALAY )

    CONTENT Introduction About Raw Materials Flowchart of Apple Juice Control Points End Product Properties Alternative Technologies By Product APPLE The apple tree (Malus domestica) is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. It is cultivated worldwide as a fruit tree, and is the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. A typical apple serving weighs 242 grams and provides 126 calories with a moderate content of dietary fiber . Otherwise, there is generally low content of essential nutrients . Commercially,…


    Pasteurization and Blanching

    PASTEURIZATION AND BLANCHING PURPOSE OF THE PROCESSES DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSING SYSTEMS ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PASTEURIZATION PROCESS DETERMINATION OF BLANCHING PROCESS PROCESSES FOR PRODUCT QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY Vocabulary pasteurization blanching mild \severe \batch-type \continuous brucellosis tuberculosis Salmonella Listeria enzyme inactivation plate heat exchanger\ \a flow diversion valve (FDV) \cooling medium\ \high temp.-short-time (HTST) \ \ultra-high-temperature (UHT) \\conveyor tunnel The processes that utilize relatively mild thermal treatments to achieve the desired results are pasteurization and blanching. Both processes apply thermal treatment to food products in an effort to improve the stability of…

  • soru kafa deli sorular

    Biyoterozim ve Gıda Savunması ( Prof. Dr. Nevzat ARTIK )

    Gıda Savunması Gıda Savunması, gıda ürünlerinin, normal şartlarda üretim zinciri içinde yer almayan biyolojik, kimyasal, fiziksel ve radyolojik etkenlerle kasıtlı olarak kontamine edilmesini önleme çabasıdır. Gıda Güvenliği Gıda Güvenliği, gıda ürünlerinin, normal şartlarda üretim zinciri içinde yer alabilecek olan (Yani E. coli i, Salmonella, Listeria gibi) mikroorganizmalarla, kasti olmayan kontaminasyonunu önleme çabasıdır. Varlık Kasıtlı bir eylem ya da bir biyoterörist eylemde kullanılabilecek biyolojik, kimyasal, radyolojik zehir. Tehlike Hastalığa ya da yaralanmaya yol açabilecek biyolojik, kimyasal, radyolojik veya fiziksel madde. Zaaf Proseste , bir kötü niyetli kişinin, bir varlığın veya sistemin…


    Soğuk Zincir

    SOĞUK ZİNCİR Soğuk zincir`in 3 ana bileşeni Personel ; Ekipmanları kullanır ve bakımını yaptırır. Ekipman; Aşıların güvenli korunması ve taşınmasını sağlar Prosedürler; bağışıklama ve dağıtım için gerekli olan işleyiş prosedürleridir. Unutmayın ! En pahalı ve en gelişmiş soğuk zincir ekipmanları bile insan faktörü olmadan aşıların güvenli ve etkin bir şekilde korunmasını sağlayamaz Soğuk zincir ekipmanları Merkez ve bölge soğuk odaları ve dondurucu odalar Buzdolapları ve derin dondurucular Uzun ömürlü ve askılı aşı nakil kapları Buz aküleri Dikkat edilecek hususlar-1 Aşıların yerleşimi soğuk hava dolaşımını engellemeyecek şekilde olmalıdır. Tüm aşıların ve…

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