Gıda Süreç Kontrolü
Empirical Model Identification ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
Empirical Model Identification …
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Traceability for food ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
What is ERP Stands for Enterprise Resource Planning ERP attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all of these departments’ particular needs ERP automates the tasks involved in business process …
Feedforward Control ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
Feedforward Control …
Food Process Control Principle ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
Course Objectives You will learn about: How to run a process/system in a controlled manner How to best operate a process plant in which not much is steady state and most of the parameters seem to be changing time dependent and develop strategies to operate these processes Gain an appreciation for the dynamic behavior of food processes Food processes that vary in time, i.e., dynamic systems Developing automatic control strategies to operate dynamic Feedback/Feedforward/Cascade control of processes–concepts, Some of the hardware used in a control system systems safely and economically…
Instrumentation For Food Process Control ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
INSTRUMENTATION FOR FOOD PROCESS CONTROL INSTRUMENTS IN FOOD PROCESS CONTROL • Actuators: Valve etc. • Sensors: Termocouple etc. • Controllers: PLC, PC etc. …
Language of Process Control Terminology Fundemantals ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
Key words: • Process: The conversion of feed materials to products using chemical and physical operations taking place in some unit or equipment • Process dynamics refers to unsteady state process behavior. Transient operation occurs during important situations such as start- up and shut downs, and unusual disturbances or planned transitions from one product to another. • Process control refers to maintain a process at the desired operating conditions, safely and efficiently while plant environment or product changes by manipulating some flow of material or energy. Process model: ―set of equations (including the necessary input data to…
Mathematical Modelling Principles ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
Mathematical Modelling Principles …
Measurement, Transmitters and Filtering ( Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM )
Measurement, Transmitters and Filtering …