Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi


    Indicators in Food Microbiology

    Indicators in Food Microbiology Bacterial Groups Relevant to Food Microbiology In Unit 1 we classified bacteria accordingly:  Good (Beneficial)  Bad (Spoilage)  Very Bad (Pathogenic) The primary interest in food microbiology is producing safe food with adequate shelf life Indicators  Looking for specific bacteria that cause spoilage or food-borne illness is like looking for a needle in a haystack  An indicator (index) in food microbiology is needed to confirm that the food is safe and has adequate shelf life • Provide a gauge of product shelf…


    Besin Mikrobiyolojisine Giriş

    Besin mikrobiyolojisine giriş Mikroorganizmalar tüm biyosferde yaşarlar: Suda: okyanuslar, göller, göletlerde, şelalelerde, bataklılarda, hatta yağmur bulutlarında! Karada: Toprak ve kayalarda (hem içinde hem de dışında) Ara katmanlarda: tüm su diplerinde, yeraltı sularında Hayvan ve bitkilerin içinde ve dışında Mikroorganizmalar ekmek, peynir, bira, antibiyotik, aşı, vitamin, enzim vs. yapımı için gereklidirler. Mikroorganizmalar: • Bakteri • Mantar – Maya – Küf • Protozoon • Alg • Çok hücreli parazit Ve yaşamayan • Virus • Prion – Antony van Leewenhoek (1632 – 1723) ilk mikroskopu bulan, mikroorganizmaları ilk gözleyen ve tarif eden kişi.…


    Yogurt Analysis ( Hakan MAVİŞ )

    FE 421 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY Name of student: M. Hakan MAVİŞ Group: B – 2 Name of experiment : Milk and Milk products, Yogurt Analysis Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to analyze microbiological properties of yogurt and to investigate the number of lactic acid bacteria and formation of mold and yeast. Theory: The effect of yogurt as a dietary supplement was investigated with regard to the gut ecosystem and lipid metabolism of 12 healthy, elderly people (78.3 +/- 9.8 years, body mass index 23.6 +/- 5.3 kg m…


    Laboratory‎ > ‎Seafood ( Hakan MAVİŞ )

    FE 421 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY Name of student : M. Hakan MAVİŞ Group : B – 2 Name of experiment : Seafood PURPOSE: The purpose of this experiment was to investigate microbiological affectivities of fish. THEORY: International competitiveness requires optimal productivity, quality and value, and the development of new products from traditional raw materials, underutilized species and waste streams. The productivity and competitiveness of seafood processing depends not only on the sources and costs of raw materials, but also on other costly resources: energy, water, labor and waterfront space. Energy…


    Probiyotik Mikroorganizmalar ve Toksik Bileşikler Üzerine Etkileri ( Koka ZONGO )

    İÇİNDEKİLER 1.PROBİYOTİK MİKROORGANİZMALAR 2.TOKSİK MADDELER 3.PROBİYOTİK MİKROORGANİZMALARIN TOKSİK MADDELER ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ PROBİYOTİK MİKROORGANİZMALAR Probiyotik (Pro: için; biyotik: canlı, yaşam, hayat); ağız yoluyla yeterli miktarda alındığı zaman kişinin sağlığı ve fizyolojisi üzerine pozitif etki yapan, yararlı canlı mikroorganizmalardır. 1906 yıllında Henry Tissier bu canlıların intestinal hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılabileceğini bilimsel olarak ortaya koymuştur. 1908 yıllında Rus bilim adamı Elie Metchnikoff laktik asit üreten probiyotik bakterilerin insan sağlığı için önemli olduğunu ve insanlarda kullanılabileceğini tavsiye edilmiştir. Alfred Nissle, 1917 yıllında şigelloza geçirmeyen askerlerin dışkılarından Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 suşunu izole ederek şigelloza tedavisinde…


    The Causes of Food Deterioration

    The causes of food deterioration All food changes over time. These changes are not always harmful s as hanging meat for flavour or mould in blue cheese. Food does eventually become harmful or unpleasant to eat. Milk going so, fruit becoming mouldy and meat becoming putrid which can cause food poisoning. To preserve food the enzymes and micro organisms have to be controlled. Enzymes Are chemical catalysts that are found in all cells. They break down plant and animal tissues causing fruit to ripen, meat to tenderise and oxidation to…


    Emerging Foodborne Pathogens ( Prof. Dr. İrfan EROL )

    EMERGING FOODBORNE PATHOGENS Prof. Dr. İrfan EROL, DVM, Ph.D. Turkish Representative of World Vet. Assoc. Department of Food Hygiene and Technology School of Veterinary Medicine Ankara University Despite advances in hygiene, consumer knowledge, food treatment and processing, foodborne diseases mediated by pathogenic microorganisms or microbial toxins still represent a significant treat to public health worldwide. Globally, the WHO has estimated that approximately 1.5 billion episodes of diarrhea and more than 3 million deaths occurred in children under 5 years of age, and a significant proportion of these results from consumption…


    Microp Kopyalık

    Word dosyasına verilen isim “Microp Kopyalık” olduğu için aynen yayımlıyoruz : ) …

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