Fermentasyon Teknolojisi

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    Fermente Ürünler Teknolojisi Ders Notu

    FERMENTE ÜRÜNLER TOKNOLOJİSİ Solunum: Canlıların enerji elde etmek için organik besin maddelerini parçalamalarına denir. Solunumun amacı ATP sentezlemektir. Organik besinlerin yapısındaki kimyasal bağ enerjisi ATP üretiminde kullanılır. Canlılarda O2’li ve O2’siz olmak üzere iki çeşit solunum vardır. 1. Oksijensiz (anaerobik) solunum: fermantasyon da denir. Glikozun hücre sitoplâzmasında O2 kullanılmadan parçalanması ve enerji elde edilmesidir. İki çeşit fermantasyon vardır. a. Laktik asit fermantasyonu: Glikoz laktik aside parçalanır. Laktik asit fermantasyonu yüksek organizasyonlu canlıların kas hücrelerinde görülür. Miktarı artarsa krampt (fizyolojik tetanoz) görülür. b. Etil alkol fermantasyonu: glikoz etil alkole parçalanır. 2…

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    Vinegar Production

    VINEGAR PRODUCTION • As old as wine production.French words vin ( wine ) and aigre ( sour ). It should contain > 4 % acetic acid in USA (FDA) and Turkey,> 5% acetic acid  in EC. • It is mainly used as flavoring agent, in food pickling and in medicine. • Vinegar is produced by oxidative ( aerobic ) fermentation of ethanol in to acetic acid by Acetobacter species.( ie   aceti ) • Conversion yield of ethanol to acetic acid: 95-98 %. • During process 2-5 % of acetic acid may be over oxidized ( undesired ) to CO2 and H2O.…

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    Cheese Production Presentation

    CHEESE Definition of Cheese fresh or mature solid or semi-solid product obtained: • by coagulating milk, skimmed milk, partly skimmed milk, cream, whey cream, or buttermilk, or any combination of these materials, through the action of rennet or other suitable coagulating agents, and by partially draining the whey. TURKEY’S PRODUCTION Beyaz , Edirne ,Teneke ,Salamura % 60 Kaşar % 17 Tulum ve Mihaliç % 12 Others % 11 Clarification (1) Cloth filters: to remove debris at the farm. (2) Centrifugal clarifiers, medium speed centrifuges, remove particles which escape filtration. (3)…

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    Yogurt Fermentation Presentation

    YOGURT Yogurt is defined as a product resulting from milk by fermentation with a mixed starter culture consisting of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus. • Nutritional Consideration • Based on method of production and the physical structure: a) Set yogurt: fermentation of milk is carried out in a retail container. b) Stirred yogurt : gel structure is broken before cooling and packaging. Fluid yogurt: stirred yogurt of low viscosity. Based on flavorings a) Plain or natural yogurt: typical sharp ‘nutty’ flavor. b) Fruit yogurts: addition of fruits( in…

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    YOGURT • Yogurt is defined as a product resulting from milk by fermentation with a mixed starter culture consisting of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus. • However, in some countries, including Australia, other suitable lactic acid bacteria are permitted for use as starter cultures. As a result, some yogurt manufacturers use Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus jugurti for yogurt manufacture Nutritional Consideration Vitamin (µg) Milk (100 g) Yoghurt (100 g) Thiamin, B1 42 40 Riboflavin, B2 180 200 Pyridoxin, B6 42 46 Cobalamin, B12 0.4 0.2 Folic Acid 0.3 4.1 Nicotinic Acid 480 125 Pantothenic Acid 370 380 Biotin…

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    Sirke Üretimi ( Mesut ÖZÇELİK )

    SİRKE ÜRETİMİ – MESUT ÖZÇELİK GIDA TEKNOLOJİSİ 1105507006 Sirke Üretim Akış Şeması HAMMADDE (ÜZÜM KONSANTRESİ-ÜZÜM ŞIRASI) ↓ ŞIRA ALMA HAVUZU ↓ ŞEKERİ ALKOLE FERMENTE ETME TANKI ( ŞARAP OLUŞUMU ) ↓ ÜZÜM SİRKESİ FERMANTASYON TANKI ( ŞARABIN SİRKEYE ÇEVİRİLMESİ) ↓ FİLTRE ( SEPERATÖR ) ↓ DOLUM TANKI ↓ ŞİŞELEME Hammadde SİRKE, üzüm ve bünyesinde şeker bulunan diğer yaş veya kurutulmuş meyvelerin veya şıraların çeşitli işlemler uygulanmak suretiyle önce etil alkol sonra asetik asit fermantasyonuna uğraması sonucu veya şarapların asetik asit fermantasyonu ile elde edilen ürünü şeklinde tanımlanır (Üzüm sirkesi, elma sirkesi gibi). Sirke…

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    Cheese Production

    Bel Paese «Country:Italy Milk:cow milk Texture: semi-soft Bel Paese is from the Lombardy region of Italy. • It is a modern, creamery, semi soft cheese and has a light, milky aroma. • It is matured for 6-8 weeks. Edam ( Holland, semi-hard to hard cheese) It comes in a shape of ball covered with distinctive red wax. • Edam is produced from skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. • usually consumed young, when the texture is elastic and the flavor is smooth, sweet and nutty. Black-wax coating means that Edam has been…

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    Historical background : Beer is originated from Mesopotamia and Egypt about 6000 years ago. Beer is originated from Latin word bibere ( to drink). Similarly Spanish word for beer is cerveza. It is originated from cerevisiae; which combines latin words of ceres ( goodness of grain ) and vis (vigor ). Major brewing centers are Pilsen (Czechoslovakia ), Munich and Dortmund (Germany), Burton-on-Trent (England), Dublin (Ireland), and Milwaukee ( USA). Raw Materials A-Barley: • Possess a very tough husk (protection for kernel during handling and germination). It contributes to characteristic flavor…

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